There is a way that you can embark on this important career exploration at your own pace and in your own time without the costly budget or risking your current role.

With a Career Constellation you can discover an opportunity that reflects your ideal in terms of security, meaning and work-life balance

How Career Constellation Works?

Stage 1- Exploring Meaningful Career Potential

We coach you through your favourite messenger app to explore everything that you find meaningful which has career potential. We shine a light on your most cherished passions, guiding values, strongest capabilities and the trends that influence your value in the marketplace.

Stage 2- Mapping Your Unique Value Proposition

Having explored potential we map your Career Constellation so that it reveals all the career paths, start-up concepts and passion projects that reflect your unique value proposition.

Stage 3- Plotting Your Route

Viewing all the potential that is available to you, we then identify your most promising opportunities and how to bridge the financial and branding gap to pursue them. You can use your Career Constellation to have more collaborative conversations with parents, partners and recruiters who have the resources and network to help you on the next stage of your journey.

Map your unique career potential!

Start now!

Hi, I am Jeremy Behrmann, creator of the Career Constellation

Since 2009 I have been helping people explore new career potential. I started my career as a wilderness guide taking people into wild places to help them find purpose and to learn from the natural world.

I then realised that there was a much bigger wilderness area that people were struggling to navigate, the 21st century career landscape. Explosion of new career choices, portfolio careers, conflicting values, the rise of technology and pressure from social media - a wilderness indeed!

To understand this change I travelled to 7 continents over 18 months and captured my experiences and a new coaching model I developed in the book, Breakaway. One of the processes in the model that my clients loved the most is the Career Constellation.

Many people came to me feeling completely lost. Yet watching their eyes light up when they gazed for the first time on their own unique career map with the brightest opportunities illuminating a path forward that they felt empowered to pursue on their own, I knew that I had found something important to share.

What we’ve got here could be a fit for you if you. . .

are struggling to make that first step or are going round and round – You are at a juncture but you seem to get lost in the complexity of your own thoughts, other people’s opinions, the maze of information and the sheer scale of different options. You may have a good idea of what you want to do but don’t have the certainty you need to move forward. You may have changed roles a lot recently and nothing is sticking. You want a map of that gives you the confidence to pursue your most suited career pathways!

are cynical of gimmicks and quick fixes - Personality quizzes, career tests and diagnostics provide some value, but you still don’t have the big picture you need. You know that you are a lot more than a personality type and you want to see opportunities that reflect that!

have never tried coaching or struggled to connect with the right coach who supports your budget– you appreciate that a personalised approach perhaps is the best way of developing the self-awareness needed to make better choices. Yet coaching seems expensive, it’s hard to find someone that you connect with or who is available to work when you need them. You want to feel that you are paying for exactly what you need.

you get distracted easily - despite your best intentions you are not making this a priority. There is no shortage of distractions and you are worried that weeks may turn into months and then years. You want the support exactly when you need it and you want to be nudged forward to a destination you can see!

Learn how different people use Career Constellation!


Helping parents support their children with career guidance


Helping students get that first important opportunity


Helping professionals explore new career pathways


Helping travellers develop purpose driven travel plans