Stage 1 - Exploring

Whether you are looking to choose a degree, move into a new career or secure your ideal job, you need to appreciate the full landscape of opportunity that is available to you. Not just any opportunity but the endeavours that align perfectly with your unique combination of passions, values and abilities. 

In the first stage we coach you to identify the following fundamentals.

FUELS - Your source of energy and include creative drives, most cherished experiences and passions

ENGINES - Turn fuel into power so are your capabilities, experience, skills and qualifications

NAVIGATION - Is used to guide you to what you cherish most so include our values, purpose and mission 

PLANETS - Are where we make new discoveries so include your unexplored interests and inspirations 

BEACONS- In arriving in new territory it is helpful to have a beacon that shows the way. These are trends, influential brands, thought leaders, innovative organisations and mentors


Stage 2 Mapping

Having explored fully we can now start to map potential. The common mistake that people make when they are exploring careers is that they jump straight into the first opportunity they find exciting without fully appreciating what fundamental drive that opportunity supports and how many other more suitable options there could be? It is like arriving at a theme park and spending the whole day at the first ride you come to only to discover that there is a whole world of potential that was just around the corner.

The second mistake that people make is that they still think in quite linear terms when it comes to careers. They think of the professions of lawyer, environmentalist and computer programmer but they never consider that there is someone who has a career where they use AI to support environmental legal monitoring. The career landscape is so deep, rich and interconnected that we literally have a whole constellation of opportunity that is available just to you. We do this by:

Charting your "REALMS" which are large areas of potential that could include multiple opportunities. They could be industries, professions or large trends that provide a galaxy of potential.

Having identified realms we support you to identify, research and chart “STARS” which are specific opportunities in those realms.

We take this further by helping you to combine stars in realms together to create new stars that are unique to you. Nothing will give a greater sense of purpose than realising that there are niches, specialised careers and innovative start up ideas that were made just for you. 


Stage 3 – Plotting

Having fully explored your career landscape it is time to plot your journey to your most promising destinations.

Having opened yourself to so much opportunity and choice it is very easy to get overwhelmed or question where to start?  Some ideas will feel very ambitious with questions of how much time and funding is required while others might be great ways to make money but perhaps are not long term solutions. You may have a strong sense that there is just one idea that is for you or you may have a series that need to be explored or perhaps make up a portfolio career. To help you plot your journey we do the following:

  1. Implement intuitive calibration exercises to filter your most exciting options.

  2. Cluster these options into useful groupings including

    Long Term Vocational Journeys represent the most innovation potential, require further study, large investment and further experience.

    Short Term Financial Cushions are job opportunities and business ideas that offer quick short term income; require limited resources to implement; are easy to access through an established network and leverage off your existing experience.

  3. Develop matrix's to help you evaluate and prioritise your top career and start up ideas.

  4. Refine your strategy for using short term financial cushions to maximise your freedom to explore long term vocational journeys- your ultimate value proposition. 

At this point clients usually have everything they need to take their career journey forward but often we continue to work with clients around the following important steps:

NETWORKING SKILLS: Identify thought leaders, organisations and associations that excel in your star career and clarify how to gain access to their important experience and network by demonstrating a value proposition. 

BRANDING: How to shape your value proposition to get interest from recruiters, investors or people giving you work experience

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: How to launch your first start up and deal with the challenges of running your own business