• The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and personal leadership.

  • Career Constellation focuses on career transitions where someone is wanting to start their career, change direction or is generally feeling lost and needs to find a new pathway.

  • A Career Constellation is a personalised map of all the careers, start-up ideas or passions projects that support a clients unique passions, values and abilities. It reveals a persons unique value proposition or a portfolio of different opportunities. It is digital or can be printed.

  • When someone is lost or is looking for more potential in their lives the only way to know which direction to take is with a map. Once you have the map you are far more empowered to take ownership of their own career journey.

  • To read how and why the Career Constellation was developed read our Purpose statement HERE

  • To learn about the specific process that you go through to create a Career Constellation please read HERE

  • The quickest we have created a Career Constellation is 24 hours. It can take a few days or a few weeks depending on the age, career experience, time availability and how much thinking or research someone has done already. Our goal is to use the accessibility of messenger to nudge you along as quick as possible and for you to spend your free time on your commute or making a cup of tea to it’s full potential.

  • You may feel fully empowered to take your career journey forward having found the path on your Career Constellation. There are however other skills and attitudes required to pursue your ultimate career. These include confidence, networking, CV writing, interviewing, fund-raising and entrepreneurship. We have a whole network of coaches that you can access depending on your needs.

  • Career Constellation is messenger driven because we have demonstrated that it is the most accessible, affordable and accountable way of working. People spend on average 90% of their digital time on their favourite messenger app. It is also the easiest way for us to nudge you along and for you to complete the exercises. That said, we can and do work by setting up dedicated 90 face-face sessions if that would get better results.

  • When focused on career transition coaching specifically you most definitely can! In 2012 we completed a pilot and study with the University of East London Psychology Dept where a number of their students were coached by messenger to identify their thesis topic which would be the basis of their career specialism. The study showed that messenger could achieve the required result at a fraction of the cost of traditional face-to-face coaching. We have coached hundreds of people through the process since then. That said, often when working with someone in a career coaching context an unexpected challenge may emerge related to confidence, self-worth or time management where we would suggest working face to face in a dedicated session with one of our coaches.

  • Your coaching process is completely confidential and your data is not shared with anyone outside of the coaching relationship

  • We often start working with people who feel that a new career is what they need and then it turns out that they need to work through other challenges related to relationships, trauma or other therapeutic challenges first. In this instance we can press pause and even refer you on to get you where you need to be to focus back on your career.